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Sports Lessons in the Secondary Class

Blog des 9 à 11P


Every week classes 8-11 have a sport lesson in German with Régis Roulet.
During four weeks we test a new sport and then we change for another one.
We always do sports outside, even if it's raining.

During the first semester, we did:

  • Orienteering race
  • Ping pong
  • Cycling
  • Football
  • Floorball (or Uni-hockey)

It was fun and we tried a lot of new sports, but there is one thing that we all hate, and it’s the bad weather! It isn’t a lot of fun when it’s raining or when it’s too hot…BUT, it’s just bad weather, it’s not the end of the world and we all survive to the rain :)

Abigaël and Zélie

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